Volvulus Due to Mesenteric Cysts in Infants and Children; A Case Report
Mesenteric cyst are defined as benign intra-abdominal tumors located in the mesentery. It was a rare disease with an incidence of 1:20,000 in children. The most common location was in the small bowel mesentery. Most patients with mesenteric cysts are asymptomatic and have unspecific symptoms like dyspepsia, abdominal enlargement, and abdominal pain. The fewer others could present with an acute abdomen. We describe two cases of volvulus due to the mesenteric cyst; one case in an infant and one case in a child. There is a different clinical presentation and histopathology between infants and children. In the infant, it presented with an acute abdomen, while in the child acute abdomen was not present. We found a chylous cyst in the child while the enterogenous cyst was present in the infant. We found a volvulus due to the mesentery cyst in the infant. This comparison of mesenteric cysts between the infant and the child could help to diagnose mesenteric cysts, especially in infants.
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PDFDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15171/middle%20east%20j%20di.v14i4.2632

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