Epidemiological and Clinical Factors Associated with Spontaneous Clearance of Hepatitis C Virus
The risk of chronicity is high after acute hepatitis C. The infection remains limited and spontaneously resolves in an average of 30% of subjects. Such subjects are considered recovered and do not require any medical care. This study aims to evaluate the epidemiological and clinical factors associated with spontaneous viral clearance.
We conducted a descriptive retrospective study on patients’ files managed for a positive hepatitis C serology who benefited from the research of serum viral RNA by molecular biology.
The study collected 429 usable files. The mean age of the patients was 50.21 years, and the sex ratio was 0.98. Spontaneous viral clearance was estimated at 17.2%. The univariate analysis showed that clearance was significantly greater in subjects under the age of 50 years, patients without type 2 diabetes, patients co-infected with hepatitis B virus, patients with transfusion, and those diagnosed fortuitously. Multivariate analysis confirmed the relationship between diabetes and the circumstances of the diagnosis. The relationship in the case of hepatitis B co-infection was very close to the statistical significance level (p=0.055).
The presence of hepatitis B co-infection in patients with positive hepatitis C serology predicts a high probability of having spontaneous clearance. However, advanced age and the existence of a history of blood transfusion, type 2 diabetes or suggestive signs of liver damage are associated with persistent viremia.
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PDFDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15171/middle%20east%20j%20di.v13i4.2343

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