Intramural Stomach Gas with Hepatic Portal Venous Gas Indicating Spontaneous Stomach Necrosis
Intramural gas in the stomach associated with hepatic portal venous gas is a rare entity, which suggests ischemic or infectious pathology of the stomach. We report a case of a 73-year-old man who presented with epigastric pain and nausea of 6 hours duration followed by hematemesis. The patient had pale skin, anemia, and a diffusively tender and distended abdomen. Abdominal radiography and computed tomography (CT) revealed gas in thickened gastric wall and gas in intrahepatic portal vein branches. Surgery was indicated, which consisted of partial gastrectomy with Roux en esophago-jejunal anastomosis. Postoperative course was uneventful, and pathohistological analysis indicated stomach wall necrosis with emphysametous gastritis (EG). The patient was free of symptoms at 2 years follow-up. Intramural gas in the stomach should always be meticulously investigated to differentiate between emphysematous gastritis and gastric emphysema, as this would direct the therapeutic approach to be adopted.
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