Esophagitis may not be a Major Precursor Lesion for Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma in a High Incidence Area in North-Eastern Iran

B Abedi-Ardakani, M Sotoudeh, K Aghcheli, S Semnani, R Shakeri, N Taghavi, D Nasrollahzadeh, S Fahimi, F Islami, H Marjani, R Malekzadeh





Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) is usually detected in advanced stages resulting in a very poor prognosis. Early diagno­sis needs identification of clinically relevant precancerous lesions which could become the target of screening and early treatment. Our aim was to check whether esophagitis could serve as a relevant histological precursor of ESCC in Northern Iran.


During 2001-2005, all adult patients who were referred to Atrak clinic for upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and biopsy were en­rolled. Atrak clinic is a major center for upper gastrointestinal can­cer research in eastern Golestan. All subjects had been complaining of upper GI symptoms and were under further investigation to rule out cancer. Biopsies from the endoscopically normal mid-esopha­gus and also just above the esophago-gastric junction were obtained in all subjects whose esophagus appeared normal during endoscopy and from endoscopically normal appearing mucosa at the proxi­mal vicinity of any detected mass. Microscopic examinations for the verification of the presence or absence of esophagitis was per­formed by independant histological examination of the samples by two pathologists. All the discrepant diagnoses were resolved in joint diagnostic sessions.


During the study period 836 patients were enrolled including 419 non cancer patients (endoscopy clinic controls), 387 cancer patients, and 30 subjects with clinical diagnosis of malignancy referred for histological reconfirmation of diagnosis by repeated biopsy. Mild or marked mid-esophagitis was diagnosed in 39 (9.3%), 47 (12.5%) and 12 (40%) of endoscopy clinic controls, cancer patients and those who were suspicious for upper gastrointestinal malignancies.


Our observation does not show evidence for esophagitis to be a pre­disposing factor for ESCC in Gonbad region In North Eastern Iran.



Esophagus; Squamous cell carcinoma; Esophagitis

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