Serological Evaluation of Celiac Disease in Children with Congenital Heart Defect; A Case Control Study
Due to the increased prevalence of celiac disease in chromosomal anomalies and other congenital anomalies, this study was conducted to evaluate the seroprevalence of celiac disease (CD) in patients with congenital heart defects (CHD).
This case-control study was done on 1002 children in two groups of CHD patients (n=402) and controls (n=600). The serum tissue transglutamianse (TTG) levels were investigated. The two groups were compared in terms of TTG IgA levels and p<0.05 was considered as the significant level.
The means of serum TTG IgA levels in children with CHD and the control groups were 19.17±46.67 and 7.77±10.02 u/mL respectively (p =0.001). After ANOVA analysis a significant difference between two cyanotic and acyanotic subgroups of cases and control groups was observed (p =0.000). The follow up tukey test showed only non-significant difference between the cyanotic and acyanotic cases. The frequency of TTG IgA with the consideration of 20 u/mL as cut-off point showed a significant association with groups (X2 =28.31 and p =0.000).
According to the results the serum TTG IgA levels were significantly higher in patients with CHD than normal children and screening for CD in children with CHD is recommended.
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