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Mostafa Ahmed Shehata
Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, SSMC, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Mostafa Ahmed Shehata MD MBBCH Tanta university Egypt 1996, Master degree internal medicine 2000 , MRCP UK2008 .MD degree in hepatology 2009 , MRCP UK gastroenterology 2010. Faculty in Gulf university school of medicine, Faculty in gastroenterology fellowship program (Arab board) working in motility unit in SSMC Abu Dhabi in partnership with MAYO clinic USA since 2020 . have special interest and experience in managing patients with reflux disease and motility disorders.Actively sharing in education for residents and GI fellows as well as medical students.
Talha Aziz Malik
Mona Jasem Alzaabi
Ameirah Bader Alali
Khalifa Saleh Alteniaji
Yashbir Singh
United States
Michael Bradley Wallace
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