Risk Factors Affecting 90-day Readmission of Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Hospital readmission rate is considered as a quality and accountability measure, understanding the corresponding modifiable risk factors of which may moderate cost burden imposed on patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and health system.
Retrospective analysis was performed on the data extracted from hospital records during a 4-year period. The study setting encompassed three referral hospitals in Tehran and the south of Iran. The primary outcome was hospital readmission of patients with IBD. The factors associated with binary and categorical dependent variables were analyzed using robust logistic regression and multinomial logistic regression, respectively. The significance level was set at p=0.05.
187 patients were admitted during the 4-year study period for an IBD-related reason, among whom 131 patients (70.1%) had ulcerative colitis (UC), and 56 patients (29.9%) had Crohn’s disease (CD). Moreover, 29% (55) of the participants had been readmitted at least once during the study period, and seven patients with IBD had been readmitted five or more times during the study period. Corticosteroids (OR=4.55, 95% confidence interval CI: 1.65- 12.55) and chronic pain (OR=6.65, 95% CI: 1.73-25.62) were two factors associated with their readmission within 90 days. For the patients with five or more times of readmissions, Corticosteroids (RRR=5.68), chronic pain (RRR=5.05), length of hospital stay (RRR=0.69), and age (RRR=0.9) could significantly explain the hospital readmissions.
About one in seven hospitalizations of patients with IBD leads to 30-day readmission. Moreover, younger patients with IBD and shorter length of hospital stay were more likely to be readmitted five or more times during the study period. The use of corticosteroids and the presence of chronic pain were predictors of 90-day readmission. More studies are needed to detect the best management plan for chronic pains.
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