Esophageal Lichen Planus Stricture
Lichen planus is a dermatologic chronic inflammatory disease that usually involved the skin and mucosa. Esophageal lichen planus with stricture is rare presentation of this disease. It is usually associated with oral mucosal involvement and commonly presenting in middle-age female. In present case, we describe a 48-year-old woman with history of oral lichen planus who referred to us for progressive dysphagia for solid food .She had not history of other causes of dysphagia. Upper endoscopy revealed a benign stricture located in proximal of esophagus that comparable with lichen planus features. The patient underwent three sessions of wireguided bougie dilation that improved her symptoms totally. Lichen planus has to be considered in differential diagnosis in patients with dysphagia.
Dysphagia, Esophageal stricture, Lichen planus
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